When I try to search for a Japanese term, I get no search results. Any idea on how to fix this? It is not Joomla because I created content in Joomla and tried searching, and it works fine. Without search working, this is sort of pointless. I am talking about Japanese terms, the definitions are in English. The terms are being indexed and searched, right?
Created: , calcorn
Modified: , DmitrySh
Comments (2)
Just working on it. If you can search Japanese at this site, you'll be able to search Japanese in 1.9.4.
Thanks. Yes, that does indeed work. What is the expected release date of 1.9.4? I havea projectI am working on for a school class that I want to launch, but have to have it done by the end of August. Just wondering if I should go back to the old standalone, or 1.9.4 will be out soon. I'd even be willing to work this in Beta, as I'd prefer to create the project in Joomla! and use other features provided by 1.9.X, Anyway I could get a beta copy? Or are there some files I could change to get this working like the link you provided? Please PM me if it is, or provide a link.