I keep getting an install error that db_config.php is missing?… ← ProblemsSupportA free dictionary/glossary PHP-script Guest  •  Sign In  •  Register a new account

Problem: #kb-U I keep getting an install error that db_config.php is missing?… (2)

  • Status: Duplicate
  • Topic: Back-end (Admin interface)
  • Applies to: Glossword 1.9.3
  • I keep getting an install error that db_config.php is missing? And I agree, there is no such file. who is to create this php? it is not in the install package?

  • Created: , terry
  • Modified: , DmitrySh

Comments (2)

    • terry

    I see that for a small fee you help set up sites, I assume with your extension. who or how does that work if I cannot get this solved?

    thank you

    • DmitrySh

    There are no file db_config.php in Glossword 1.9. Perhaps, you mean gw_config.php? If no, then this file is not required by Glossword but other module installed with Joomla.

    There is a chance to solve the installation problem If I could get a temporary ftp-account to the host where you are trying to do the installation.

    update: I've found your private message, all details posted there.

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