Troubleshooting "Table x is marked as crashed and should be repaired"… ← ArticlesSupportA free dictionary/glossary PHP-script Guest  •  Sign In  •  Register a new account

Article: #kb-v Troubleshooting "Table x is marked as crashed and should be repaired"…

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  • Troubleshooting "Table x is marked as crashed and should be repaired"

    This error appears when MySQL database needs to be repaired. It could happen with MyISAM type of tables.

    Quick solution

    Try to run this query using a database administration tool like phpMyAdmin:

    1. REPAIR TABLE `table_name`;
    Where table_name is table which marked as crashed.

    Detailed solution

    There is a long way to fix this. But you can receive a detailed instructions in MySQL documentation, see How to Repair Tables.

    Stop Apache and MySQL services.

    Start → Run → type cmd, hit [Enter]

    Go to directory mysql/bin:

    1. c:\> cd "c:/Glossword WAMP/mysql5/bin"
    * this is example for my computer, directory names can be different

    Open MySQL documentation http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/repair.html

    Stage 1: Checking your tables

    1. myisamchk.exe -e "c:/Glossword WAMP/mysql5/data/glossword1_8/gw_xdtsffjq"
    Next steps are covered in MySQL documentation quite well. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/repair-table.html

  • Created: , DmitrySh
  • Modified:

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